Words that start with B News
Words that start with B news and the latest breaking news about Words that start with B headlines, comment and features about Words that start with B is here...
Word: ByteHow to pronounce: baɪtNounDefinitions:1. A group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) ..
4 years ago
Word: BypassHow to pronounce: ˈbaɪpɑːsNounDefinitions:1. A road passing around a town or its center ..
4 years ago
Word: BylawsHow to pronounce: ˈbaɪlɔːNounDefinitions:1. A regulation made by a local authority or co..
4 years ago
Word: ByeHow to pronounce: baɪNounDefinitions:1. The transfer of a competitor directly to the next r..
4 years ago
Word: ByHow to pronounce: baɪPrepositionDefinitions:1. Identifying the agent performing an action.2...
4 years ago
Word: BuzzHow to pronounce: bʌzNounDefinitions:1. A low, continuous humming or murmuring sound, made..
4 years ago
Word: BuyingHow to pronounce: ˈbaɪɪŋHow to pronounce: baɪVerbDefinitions:1. Obtain in exchange for p..
4 years ago
Word: BuyersHow to pronounce: ˈbaɪəNounDefinitions:1. A person who makes a purchase.Example sentence..
4 years ago
Word: BuyerHow to pronounce: ˈbaɪəNounDefinitions:1. A person who makes a purchase.Example sentences..
4 years ago
Word: BuyHow to pronounce: baɪTransitive verbDefinitions:1. Obtain in exchange for payment.Example s..
4 years ago
Word: ButtonHow to pronounce: bʌtnNounDefinitions:1. A small disk or knob sewn on to a garment, eith..
4 years ago
Word: ButterflyHow to pronounce: ˈbʌtəflaɪNounDefinitions:1. A nectar-feeding insect with two pairs ..
4 years ago
Word: ButterfliesHow to pronounce: How to pronounce: ˈbʌtəflaɪNounDefinitions:1. A nectar-feeding in..
4 years ago
Word: ButterHow to pronounce: ˈbʌtəNounDefinitions:1. A pale yellow edible fatty substance made by c..
4 years ago
Word: ButtHow to pronounce: bʌtTransitive verbDefinitions:1. (of a person or animal) hit (someone or..
4 years ago